Dori and Barbara are traveling to Khon Kaen so that Jii Nou and Mor Vue can receive their medical check-ups. A fun night at the arcade for Jii Nou and Mor Vue! A fun day with new donated clothing and
Clothing Distributions in Xieng Khouang Province
Barbara is traveling in the remote areas of Xieng Khouang Province providing the children the warm clothing recently donated to Give Children A Choice! Thank you Barbara and donors, you are making a difference to many, many children! Over 500
We are Thankful! Clothing and Hat Donations!
The clothing donations are coming in. We have received several donations and haven’t opened them all yet, we will post as we open the packages. Many children in the remote areas of Xieng Khouang Province do not have proper clothing
Thank You!
Miss Hmong Milwaukee Jennifer Xiong came by with her family to visit JiiNou and Give Children A Choice! She is very interested in helping our organization. She donated school supplies for the children. Thank you, Jen!
Jii Nou Working Hard!
Jii Nou Update – Jii Nou wishes everyone a very Happy New Year and thanks everyone for their support, love and good wishes! These are some more photos from his recent physical therapy sessions, he is working very hard!
Adventures in China!
We made it to Xaihuangbanna! We were met at the airport by the photography staff and whisked off to our sweet lovely hotel. Our guide Tim helped us get settled and gave us an overview of life here and the
Jii Nou’s Xieng Khouang Family
It wasn’t easy, but we found Jii Nou’s blood uncle in Yodtkha Village off the beaten path about 22 km from the Vietnam border. We met him for the first time. It is he who was kind enough to
Thank you!
Thank you Aya, Ayu and Ami Usui for sending us these precious pieces of clothing! We will send them up country and perhaps deliver them to the Yang family that has 4 girls who need warm and nice clothes to
Xishuangbanna Foto Festival
On December 7th we received a formal invitation from China’s Yunnan provincial government to participate in their annual Xishuangbanna Foto Festival. We chose to select from our 1000’s of photographs to tell our perspective of the US Secret War’s impact
Jii Nou Receives a Passport!
We had to come in very early to see the Lao Consulate Dept today to get JiiNou his passport this morning. This was a culmination of approximately six months of hard work to get here today. With fingers crossed and