Napho Village was established over a century ago. The village leaders and residents are very proud of their village and their children and it shows!
In November 2003 we signed an MOU with the Luang Prabang Education Department to begin construction on preschools in Napho and Thapenh villages. Construction began on these preschools in late 2003.
Located next to the village’s primary school, the Napho preschool opened their doors to approximately 35 preschool children in February 2004.
Napho Village is near Luang Prabang, just thirteen kilometers to the east.
Training new preschool teachers is fundamental to the process of creating preschools in Give Children A Choice villages. Training conducted in December 2003 provided training for teachers at all five of the schools in existence or under construction at the time.
Give Children A Choice provides school supplies, mats for napping, medicine for minor illnesses and initial teachers’ salaries. A year after schools are opened, the Education Department has agreed to take on teacher salary expenses. However, supplies continue to be in short supply.