Give Children A Choice believes that building the preschool building is just one component to a successful preschool program. Above and beyond the building resides the formulation of a partnership between Give Children A Choice, the Provincial Education Department and the Village leaders. Together significant effort and attention is given to what goes on inside these preschools.

Our preschools are complete when they are ready for the students and teachers to walk in and begin class. This means electricity installation (lights and fans), water (toilets, sinks, water supply, septic systems), furnishing the classroom with tables and chairs, and providing teacher salaries and training (if needed), teaching materials, curricula, books, supplies, and cabinets to hold the supplies, educational toys, playground equipment and the funding of lunch programs (where needed). Our partnership with other non-profits, the provincial and district governments, village and community leaders ensure that preschool education programs are successful and uninterrupted.

We provide healthfairs, which includes immunizations (in cooperation with UNICEF and Provincial Health Departments) and aim to make it a mandatory requirement for preschool admission. In the summer of 2006 we piloted our first healthfairs, see more information under the Health Fair tab under Programs and Projects.

We provide individual children’s record books to the Provincial Education Department, to maintain accurate records of each child’s progress in school. Now, we are looking forward to providing additional services to both the local communities and the children.

By cultivating relationships, collaborating with other organizations, we are able to work with local government and their communities to create preschool programs that prepare children for their future education.


We would be very excited to count you as a valued donor to our preschool programs. We would also welcome any assistance you can provide with our Health Fairs, an important component in our overall effort. For more information on how to get involved, send us an email at