Renton Yap, a marathon runner from Singapore, came to Luang Prabang the end of March for an ultra marathon and wanted to do ‘good’ while in Laos. We suggested that he assist the children at the Ban Mar Orphanage. The Orphanage identified 17 children who were runners, those 11 boys and 6 girls each received a pair of running shoes from Renton. All the children at the Orphanage received a new pair of flip flops, Renton also paid to have the septic tanks at the Orphanage emptied (this is an expense that the orphanage requests help with frequently) and provided the children with rice and eggs. We thank Renton and his supporters for all they have done for the children of the Ban Mar Orphanage. Also thank you to Thongchanh Vilayvong for his assistance to make this happen! Thank you!!
- Look at Jii Nou!
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