Where in the world is Jii Nou?
Jii Nou is at Srinagarind University Hospital undergoing a series of medical examinations and tests. The results will help prioritize his medical and rehabilitation treatments. Today is our second day at the hospital. He’s seen many doctors: pediatricians, pediatric orthopedic specialists, brain specialists, pediatric nutritionist, physical therapists, occupational therapists. He’s had blood drawn and an MRI of his brain and spine. He went for occupational therapy.

He will have his hearing and ENT examinations in early August.

What we know.
Jii Nou is severely malnourished. His chronic malnutrition caused by his digestive system being out of whack, causing chronic diarrhea. He may be lactose intolerant. A special diet will help readjust his digestive system to normal. He is anemic, his red blood cell count low. It was suggested that Jii Nou’s Mom took drugs during her pregnancy with Jii Nou. He will be tested for hypothyroidism and thalassemia. He has more appointments with his brain specialist (to learn about the MRI tests), occupational and physical therapists, pediatrician. Test results and diagnoses will come in the upcoming days.

What we need.
Give Children A Choice’s Medical Assistance Fund is designed to help chidlren like Jii Nou, as it has successfully helped children with promising futures like Kayeng, Yer Vue and others.

Open your hearts by clicking on the Donate Today link on our website, www.givechildrenachoice.org

A little video clip can be seen here.

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